Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step:
Verson: 2003
Author: Michael Halvorson
ISBN: 0735619050
Page: 649
Get on the fast track to professional application development with Visual Basic .NET 2003. This practical, hands-on tutorial expertly guides you through the fundamentals—using step-by-step exercises, code samples, optimization tips, and real-world advice to accelerate your productivity. Work at your own pace, learning core programming skills by selecting just the chapters and lessons you need. Upgrade your Visual Basic 6 applications quickly with the help of “Upgrade Notes” sidebars, a special upgrading index, and insights into the enhanced Visual Basic .NET Upgrade Wizard. It’s everything you need to start creating .NET-connected software now!
Discover how to:
• Create a compelling user interface with Toolbox controls, menus, and dialog boxes
• Use methods in the .NET Framework 1.1 class libraries
• Utilize the new debugging tools and structured error handlers to build robust code
• Manage data in your programs using collections, arrays, and string processing techniques
• Automate Microsoft Office applications and manage processes
• Manage Windows Forms and create graphics and animation effects
• Use inheritance and other new object-oriented programming capabilities
• Write custom code for printers and dialog boxes for printing
• Manage Access databases and create custom database applications with Microsoft ADO.NET
• Display HTML documents using Microsoft Internet Explorer
• Use Web Forms to build Internet interfaces
• Deploy Visual Basic .NET applications
• Port Visual Basic 6 programs to Visual Basic .NET
This book also contain cd contents . The CD containts contain practice files that you’ll use as you perform the exercises in the book. For example, when you’re learning how to display database records with an ADO.NET dataset, you’ll open one of the practice files— an academic database and then use ADO.NET commands to access the database. By using the practice files, you won’t waste time creating all the samples used in the exercises. Instead, you can concentrate on learning how to master Visual Basic .NET 2003 programming techniques. With the files and the step-by-step instructions in the chapters, you’ll also learn by doing, which is an easy and effective way to acquire and remember new skills.
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