Extending MFC Applications with the .NET Framework is the first book to show MFC developers how to boost productivity by incorporating .NET functionality into existing MFC applications. Tom Archer clearly illustrates how using the .NET Base Class Library (BCL)—to complement or replace MFC classes when there is a clear advantage—enables MFC developers to create elegant and robust Windows applications in the most efficient way possible.
Each chapter begins with an introduction that explains the technology, outlines its benefits, lists its pragmatic business uses, and summarizes the required syntax. As is an Archer trademark, this information is solidified with hands-on, practical demo applications.
This book answers the questions MFC developers have about .NET, including:
- What are the key issues when combining MFC and Managed Extensions? Page 15
- How can Regular Expressions be used to parse a document for multiple complex pattern types, such as email addresses? Page 84
- How can hash codes be used to validate users without storing passwords? Page 161
- How can MFC applications maintain data stored in XML format? Page 274
- Once an ADO.NET DataSet is filled, how can the data be searched, sorted, and filtered? Page 336
- What technique is used for reading image data from a database using ADO.NET classes? Page 363
- What are the options for handling disconnected data concurrency issues? Page 396
- How can Remoting be used to pass MFC objects between applications? Page 460
The CD-ROM supplies the complete downloadable source code, working samples, and test code from the book, as well as several productivity-enhancing utilities such as a Visual Studio .NET Custom AppWizard.
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