ASP.NET 3.5: A Beginner's Guide
Product Description
Essential ASP.NET 3.5 Skills–Made Easy!
Learn how to create database-driven ASP.NET 3.5 websites using C# 3.0. ASP.NET 3.5: A Beginner’s Guide shows you just what you need to know to build rich Internet applications quickly and easily. You’ll find details on Web controls, CSS, event handlers, validation, SQL, ADO.NET, data binding, text files, and security. Coverage of the latest technologies, such as LINQ and Ajax, is also included. All examples use Visual Studio 2008 to ease you through the learning process, and all the source code is displayed. Start building dynamic ASP.NET 3.5 Web applications today with help from this fast-paced tutorial.
Designed for Easy Learning:
Key Skills & Concepts–Lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
Ask the Expert–Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
Try This–Hands-on exercises that show how to apply your skills
Notes–Extra information related to the topic being covered
Tips–Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things
Annotated Syntax–Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated
About the Author
William B. Sanders has been developing software for the last 25 years, ranging from Basic to assembly language and everything in between. In 2001 he began developing back end applications using asp and then when it became available, ASP.NET 1.0. He is a founding faculty member of the Multimedia Web Design and Development major at the University of Hartford where he teaches ASP.NET, C#, SQL and ADO.NET to upper division students, among other Internet languages and applications. He has consulted and developed software for major software companies as well other business clients.
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