Product Description
‘Microsoft .NET Kick Start’ answers the essential questions ¿What is .NET?¿ and ¿What can .NET do for me?¿ from the developer¿s perspective. Expert author Hitesh Seth explains the.NET platform¿its core components, development tools, and programming model¿so you¿ll be ready to build professional .NET applications in no time.’Microsoft .NET Kick Start’ puts .NET into perspective, explaining how .NET differs from other development platforms.
You¿ll learn about the consistent .NET programming model forWeb, desktop, wireless, and speech applications. You¿ll also see how .NET is tightly integrated with XML and Web service technologies and standards. Hitesh Seth¿s insights and tips, along with dozens of practical examples that you can put to use immediately, will have you up and running at full speed in nothing flat.In this book, you’ll:- Program with Visual Studio .NET and your choice of language including C#, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++, Visual J#, and more- Understand the Common Language Runtime (CLR)- Work with the .NET Framework class library- Develop .NET Windows desktop applications, Web applications, Web services, wireless applications, and speech applications - Integrate and interoperate with existing COM and Win32 applications- Incorporate the Windows Server System into .NET, including SharePoint Portal Server and BizTalk Server- Leverage Microsoft Office System 2003 applications with .NET applications- Learn best practices for .NET application development with blueprints and case studies
About the Author
Hitesh Seth is editor-in-chief of XML Journal and chief technology officer of ikigo, a provider of business activity monitoring solutions. He has been following the development of Microsoft .NET through its early alpha/beta testing days and has played the role of a consultant and a technology evangelist-evaluating, educating, and implementing .NETbased enterprise applications at global organizations. Apart from .NET, his technology interests include XML, Web services, J2EE, and Integration technologies. He holds a Bachelor of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India.
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