Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (November 3, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590593375
ISBN-13: 978-1590593370
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7 x 1 inches
The new version of ASP.NET includes many practical functions and a lot of frequently requested features, including Master Pages, Themes, site navigation, site counters and many more. And with the help of the new provider model, you can now create many functions in so-called zero-code scenarios, without even one line of source code.
Furthermore, the new version offers features for building web applications in Visual Studio .NET, including full IntelliSense for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and inline ASP.NET code; projectless development; and a newer, simpler code-behind model. With so many attractive additions to the new version, you'll want a top-notch manual to guide you. ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed will empower you to jump in and start exploring ASP.NET 2.0!
User Review:
This book is much more demonstrative and visual than some of the other titles currently on the market, making it the ultimate complement for books like "A First Look at ASP.NET v 2.0". Overall, the book's tone is very educational but not intimidating, complex but not complicated, making for a very friendly atmosphere that makes it quite easy to read.
The book tackles some of the more technical topics involved with developing and administering ASP.NET web sites, so it's an effective tool in lightly previewing what's coming on the horizon for us, as well as giving you the in-depth answers to allow you to start planning to solve problems and work more efficiently.
In each of the title's 13 hearty chapters, there's great examples that accompany most, if not all of the concepts presented. So, you don't get an empty, lost feeling after being drawn-into an idea - it's succeeded with a relevant, working C# example.
The book is definitely written for the web developer already primed with experience in ASP.NET 1.x, so familiarity with the concepts of Microsoft web development is a must. But assuming that, you'll be very pleased.
Specifically, there are several areas in this book I found to be outstanding. These include a fantastic introduction to generics, iterators, anonymous methods and other new features of both C# and Visual Basic .NET. Also, there's a great description of using the ObjectDataSource control for binding business objects to data controls, and an equally nice discussion of the Site Counter API and keeping tabs on the user currently on one's site. The book also has a good chunk of information about the improvements to working with dynamic imaging, and about the easy by which you can create and control client-side script.
Additionally, there's a great preview of the Whidbey version of Visual Studio .NET's features specifically for web developers. Provides constant tips and comments about what features are likely to be changed by the Whidbey Beta.
The sole bit of criticism I would have it that, the chapter on Web Parts chapter was interesting, but largely took from the documentation and samples you can find on MSDN and in the .NET Framework documentation.
But outside of that, the positive far outweigh the negatives, and if you're on the hunt for anything and everything you can get your hands on about the next big thing in web development, get your hands on this book today.
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