Paperback: 552 pages
Publisher: Sams (April 6, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0672327392
ISBN-13: 978-0672327391
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6.9 x 1.3 inches
Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2005 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit provides you with 24 structured lessons with step-by-step guidance to real-world programming tasks for developing Windows applications. Each chapter includes practice exercises, tips, notes, and cautions, providing easy-to-understand advice on how to start programming quickly. Sidebars provide more advanced tips that will ease your migration from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic .NET, or help you as you continue to work with Visual Basic 2005 programming.
The accompanying CD includes Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition, which will provide you with a visual integrated development environment for creating Windows applications. The Express Edition makes Windows programming with Visual Basic fun and easy-to-learn. Together with Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2005 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit, it's the perfect way for experienced Visual Basic 6.0 developers to try out new features.
User Review:
I am VERY PLEASED with the book and the method of learning. So far, I have not run across anything in the book that didn't work, or better still, make sense!! I have spent a lot of money on the "RED" books, and also the "BLACK books with 'tools' on the front"...to no avail. All of those books speak as if I already knew what an "object" and a "property" and a "class" was...
This book put everything into perspective for me...The answers I needed were found in it. Whereas in all the other books it seems the authors only want to show how big their vocabulary is, this one brings it down to an open level that needs no "initiation in the modern programmer's vernacular"...at some points this author comes close to "crossing that line", but for the most part, he does quite well.
I recommend this book to any beginner, and also to those like me with a background in "structured" programming (as opposed to OOP) who wants to LEARN Object Oriented Programming. I will soon be purchasing a book on OOP as recommended by the author of this text, to enhance my OOP skills.
Again, I am QUITE pleased with this text, and will possibly build a library of similar titles, since Visual Studio 2005 supports 3 other "platforms"...I want to MAXIMIZE the product, and this book, while using Visual Basic Epress, has opened the door to permit me to do that...I use Visual Basic 2005 Express on my Laptop, and Visual Studio 2005 on my Desktop. In time, I hope to be fluent in all the languages (platforms? Terminology is EVERYTHING!!) Visual Studio supports. I hope all those negative writers have come to terms with whatever prevented them from enjoying and growing through this book!...
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