Paperback: 424 pages
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (April 12, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590593480
ISBN-13: 978-1590593486
This concise, no-nonsense book teaches you how to develop accessible, standards-compliant ASP.NET-driven web sites with the latest technologies: ASP.NET and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. Real-world tutorials will help you achieve results quickly as you plunge into the text.
You'll learn the fundamental concepts of the .NET Framework, then quickly move on to the workings of ASP.NET within the Framework. You will explore databases and the SQL language, in preparation for handling ASP.NET databound controls. Next, you'll explore the core role that XML, and XML web services play in .NET. Finally, you'll learn about Dreamweaver's extensibility and coding efficiency features&emdash;two of the most important aspects of developing with Dreamweaver.
About the Author
After graduating with various engineering degrees, Costas Hadjisotiriou switched to working with web design, databases, and gadgets. For Costas, ASP.NET is a big fascination, almost as much as PDA programming. Costas keeps busy with various web programming contracts, while trying to be a good family man as well. For the last 4 years he has been successfully working from home in Spain, and advises everyone to do the same.
Kevin Marshall lives in Perth, Scotland. He is a senior programmer with WebXeL.com Ltd and is also IT manager with Spectraglass Ltd&emdash;both companies are based in Perth, Scotland. He has been involved in computer programming since 1990, has been doing web-based programming using ASP since 1997, and has been building ASP.NET applications since ASP.NET Beta 2 was released in 2001. He has been an avid Dreamweaver user since version 1 was launched and with the release of MX has moved into developing extensions. WebXeL.com Ltd launched a new website in November 2002 dedicated to the development of free and commercial Dreamweaver MX extensions for ASP.NET.Kevin is also a regular contributor to the Macromedia newsgroups, providing advice and assistance to other Dreamweaver users. , the company web site also being home to various "web standards"-focused articles and Dreamweaver extensions. Rachel is a member of the Web Standards Project on the Dreamweaver Task Force, and she hopes to encourage best practices in the support and use of W3C standards in Dreamweaver.When not writing code, or writing about writing code, Rachel spends time with her daughter, tries to encourage people to use Debian GNU/Linux, studies with the Open University, and enjoys a nice pint of beer.
User Review:
I saw this book at Borders and I was not too impressed. But hey, that was me and you might be different. This is not a comment about the book as much as I don't feel that ASP.NET is best done in DreamWeaver and DreamWeaver doesn't have the best support for ASP.NET so I usually stick to VS unless the pages don't require server side code.
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