Monday, March 23, 2009

Beginning ASP .NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional

Beginning ASP .NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional
Paperback: 704 pages
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (September 18, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590594681
ISBN-13: 978-1590594681
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7 x 1.6 inches

You will learn how to build a complete e-commerce web site, following the entire design and build process. The website will be constructed following industry best practices in a modular manner&emdash;with a new module introduced and completed in each chapter.

Topics include an online catalogue and shopping cart, product searching and recommendation, and checkout/payment functionality. A distinguishing feature of this book is that it explains handling payments via PayPal, DataCash, and VeriSign Payflow Pro. By the end of the book, you will have created a fully-functioning e-commerce site, allowing you to sell merchandise and accept money from customers, at low cost to you.

User Review:

If you're reading this then you're probably new to ASP.NET 2.0 or you want to build an online store using ASP.NET. This is money well spent. This book is an excellent step-by-step tutorial for building an online store. AND it's just packed with ASP.NET, C# and SQL Server programming tips. I bookmarked these tips as I was building my web site and now I find myself turning back to it to implement these goodies.

The authors have outdone themselves. I really really like this book. I own the 2002 Wrox version as well so I can tell you that "ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005" has been completely updated! It is a fantastic tutorial for anyone new to ASP.NET and the best reference for more experienced programmers who may be new to e-commerce. The authors will walk you through (in detail) the creation of a fully functional online store.

One nice feature is that the authors don't assume anything. They explain each step as the book progresses. Are you in a hurry? No problem. The first few chapters are enough to get a basic store up and running. Subsequent chapters continue to build onto this existing solution. So you can get started fast and then add on features as you learn or have time.

I also find this book to be a valuable reference to more experienced programmers because it is chock full of developer tips. There is a great example of building a key word search, and search ranking system with SQL Server. The authors touch on error handling and how to show custom error messages in a way that anyone will find helpful. Other handy tips include:
* Real-word examples of how to use SQL OUTPUT parameters.
* How to send automatic email alerts when the application encounters an error.
* How to use C# static classes to cache information and improve performance.
* How to build an order pipeline!

The information on using PayPal's payment gateway, PayPal API and credit card processing is worth the cover price alone. There are five chapters on how to wire up your own order processing system. There's even a whole chapter devoted to integrating your ASP.NET web site with Amazon's web services.

I highly recommend this book for anyone new to ASP.NET or new to e-commerce. It's hands down the most thorough ASP.NET e-commerce book I've ever read. And I can also recommend it to more experienced programmers who are looking for a good e-commerce reference. Don't let the title fool. It's a great tool for anyone who wants to make money using ASP.NET. I cannot say enough good things about it so I'll close with the table of contents...

1. Starting an E-Commerce Site
2. Laying Out the Foundation
3. Creating the Product Catalog: Part I
4. Creating the Product Catalog: Part II
5. Searching the Catalog
6. Improving Performance
7. Receiving Payments Using PayPal
8. Catalog Administration
9 . Creating a Custom Shopping Card
10. Dealing with Custom Orders
11. Making Product Recommendations
12. Adding Customer Accounts
13. Advanced Customer Orders
14. Order Pipeline
15. Implementing the Pipeline
16. Credit Card Transactions
17. Integrating with Amazon
A: Installing the Software
B: Project Management Considerations

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